Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tuning the senses

"Gratitude is the most fruitful way of deepening your consciousness that
you are... a divine choice."
~ Henri Nouwen

May we have the eyes to see all the ways - all the miniscule details of a day, the infinite intricacies of creation, the miracle of our bodies alive and breathing and pumping blood - we are sought after...

May we have the ears to hear the notes, the pitch, the melody, the tone, the tune, of a song that plays without ceasing, surrounding us...

May we have the tastebuds to distinguish the flavors of goodness toward us...

May we have the ability to feel the touch of grace wrapping around us, brushing against us, inviting us in...

May we have the noses to catch the scent - in the air and in the people and in the flowers and in the city and in the rain and in the desert and in the ocean and in the critters and in the workplace and in the home - of joy, of wonder, of the love...

Of the One who pursues us.

Of the One to whom we direct our gratitude, for making us a divine choice.