Until this daily practice of looking for the graces in life, to count them and say thanks for them. This daily, moment-by-moment learning to see, period. This is the nuts and bolts of beautiful rubbish. This is what puts flesh and flower and dirt and texture on the seemingly ethereal concept of seeing the beauty in the rubbish, of turning around and living that in the daily story. This is the redemptive story, in words that will turn into sentences that will grow into paragraphs that will develop, over time, into a book. A living book.
It keeps returning to my eyesight. This mysterious transformation of taking eyes that can see but have been blind and opening them wider.
The everyday art of learning to see, this is what I write.
I see to write and I write to see; I see to live and I live to see. Life - glorious, messy, beautiful, uncensored, fresh.
My daily work is this: To trust, and then, to see. And as I see, to trust deeper. A whole life of this, one day at a time.