Saturday, October 31, 2015

In which I confess on faith in a guest post

Back in September, I was asked by a friend and fellow writer, Liz von Ehrenkrook, to participate in a 31 day series of confessions she would be hosting on her blog in October. I thought about it, tentatively said yes, sat down to write, and soon changed my mind. Thank you, but I'm good, I told her. I've confessed my guts out this past year or more. I don't think I have anything more to say on the matter of faith.

But I was wrong. At the beginning of October, when her series was already in full swing, a confession started brewing in me. I wrote it down and offered it to her, for she still had a space to fill. While each writer in her series is kept anonymous, I felt the tug to open this up to my blog readers, too. This is all part of my journey, as a writer and a person transforming in her faith, and I realize as I grow more comfortable in my new skin, I have nothing to hide.

This is what Liz has to say about her series, before you head over to her blog:

There is something every single one of us keeps inside out of fear of what others may think; maybe it’s a choice you’ve made that has dramatically shifted your life or a personal belief that doesn’t align with the organized religion of Christianity.

It is because of this I chose to craft a series of confessions written anonymously by 31 friends. I wanted to create an opportunity for Christians – current, former or questioning – to share a confession they don’t feel the freedom to speak aloud for fear of being judged or outcast. Each piece is written by someone I know and care about; someone who chose vulnerability and invited me on their journey. Each piece is honesty at its finest, and part of being a collector of stories and words is to honor authenticity even when I might not fully agree.

The comments will remain closed. Writing a confession to be published online has been a tough exercise for most of the writers, but it has been a necessary step toward healing and growth for each person. I want my friends to understand their value; to know it’s okay to feel what they feel and say what they are saying without worry of judgmental comments. If you’d like to respond to any of the confessions, you can contact me via email (there will be a form at the end of each post), or you can share on your own social media outlets to create discussion.
There is nothing we can do to make God love us any more or any less.
God loves every one of us, no matter what we’ve done or what we question or what we choose to place our belief in. I do not think – as humans – we know love without condition, so we will never fully grasp the true depth of God’s love. As we hold to our own versions of faith, religion and Christianity, we should not forget there are very real people behind these confessions. I hope this series inspires you not to fear sharing your journey with others, and I hope it encourages the practice of being open-hearted towards those whose lives and beliefs don’t align with our own.

And now, if you'd like to read my confession - or peruse the list of others, brave and beautiful - please continue here.