
Friday, October 12, 2012

Five-minute Friday: Race

Friday is almost over, I know.  But still, I'm joining up with Lisa-Jo Baker and the Five Minute Friday gang over at her blog, Gypsy Mama, for a little free writing.  Everyone is given a prompt to write on, with little or no editing, for five minutes only.  It's amazing how little I can eek out in five minutes, while others can pull out so much so quickly .  As with so many things, though, I'm a slow starter.  Writing's no exception.  And so, the prompt today is "Race..."


Words race in blue scribbles across paper, keeping pace just behind racing thoughts.  Until thoughts tire and slow to a jog and my trailing words tumble into their hind end with a skid... thump.  I didn't know until I picked up pen and let ink flow how these thoughts would spurt through an ever-widening hole in a dam plugged up.  I let them flow until they drain, until they trickle, until all is quiet but the racing of my heart as it pumps blood back at me, written in my own scrawl.

How I find my voice here, in this racing, is sheer gift.  Writing has always been my cheapest therapy.


Photo credit


  1. Your imagery is amazing! It's like I could actually feel the words as I read them! Thank you for reminding me how important that is when writing!

    1. Thank you so much :-) I'm happy it made sense to you!

  2. I completely agree with you, and I love the way you worded it!!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Well, thank you for visiting my site to read here! As I commented to Allison above, I'm happy this struck a chord with writers other than myself... it's hard to know if imagery comes across as clear to others as it is in my own head :-)
