Saturday, October 20, 2012

Five-minute Friday (on Saturday): Look

Yep, I know.  It's not Friday.  I'm still going to squeeze this one in, however, because I don't feel like it but I think I need it.  And I think it might be more of a soul-spilling sort of post, so we'll see where my words take me today, in five minutes (or maybe seven, because I'm just a slow writer).  Join with me, a day late, at Lisa Jo's blog for the Five-Minute Friday free write.  The prompt today is "Look."



above the rising sea level;

one step ahead, not at your feet,
or at the cloud of dust behind;

behind this painted wooden face, sometimes, reluctant puppet;

beyond this nose and all its cares;

beneath the piles of words;

between the dog-eared pages of story;

into the silence;

away from the fear;

straight at the face of the only one who knows
exactly how to look at you.

See him here.



  1. Thank you for listening to that still small voice and posting this. I'm in the midst of catching all the Five Minute Friday Stragglers! It's a unique club I tend to be part of..those of us who take time to ruminate and post when it feels right. Great job here....well chosen words paint a beautiful and complete picture.

    Lorretta at Dancing on the Dash

    1. You're so right, Lorretta... sometimes I need to push myself to write myself into inspiration, and sometimes, what's needed is to take time to "ruminate" like you said. I like that. I'm blessed that you read here.

  2. visiting from the five minute fridays group, where I too have posted my FMF on saturday. The words just weren't coming to me yesterday at all.
    Beautiful post. Thanks for going ahead and writing, even though it wasn't friday anymore. :-)

    1. Yay, another Saturday poster :-) I'll have to go check yours out, too... thank you for reading here!

  3. Wow! I love this post so much. The images and the words are stunningly beautiful. Very powerful -- thank you.

    1. Well, I'm really humbled to hear that, Julie. Thank YOU.

  4. This is so beautiful. Reaches the soul. Thankful that He knows me better than I know myself. Such peace there.

    1. Amen, Sarah. Sometimes, that is the only peace, and it is enough.

  5. Amber, this is gorgeous! What beautiful photos and such simple, apt words. This filled me up in a way that lots of words wouldn't have today...know what I mean?

    1. Oh, friend. Thank you for your kindness. I'm happy this filled you up in some way - that's a gift.
